Everards Brewery

Everards Brewery Office Revamp

  • Planning

    Initial brief detailing what Everards would like to achieve from the refurbishment works for their reception area.

    Produce possible layout and design ideas and tweak as necessary.

    Agree time scale and logistics surrounding the works.

  • Implementation

    Help Everards redirect their staff and visitors through an alternative entrance whilst the works take place.

    Stick to a strict time schedule to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

    Supply method statements and risk assessments.

    Complete works to the clients absolute satisfaction.

  • The Result

    A refreshed, light and airy reception space with a design scheme that pulls all elements together. The visitors reception sofas and chairs compliment the more traditionally finished reception desk.

    Everards are an award-winning company and their certificates to show this have been displayed in an ordered and aesthitically pleasing way.

    Everards reception area now creates the professional, forward thinking first impression to both visitors and staff, yet still retains their traditional values.

Comparing our old and new spaces is like comparing chalk and cheese. I love the new reception, the staff love it, and most importantly, the visitors love it!

Melissa Stillman - Promotions Manager - Everards Brewery

Want to start redesigning your space? What are you waiting for? Let’s talk…

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